4, Jul 2024
Everyone needs a little U.P. time!
Traffic Jam south of Baltic

Growth and independence come in all forms, from young poults following their parents out of the roost to feed in the fields to young bucks starting their early antler growth (and myself needing to add a mineral block to help assist him with that)! Today’s clients (yes, even on the 4th of July) included people downsizing their lives and selling properties, as well as a walk-in client looking to expand their recreation with property of their own in the Keweenaw.

How many baby turkeys (poults) can you find?

Travel and recreation season is in full swing, and the U.P. is the place to get it. Get out and enjoy the holiday with family and friends! ️ #IndependenceDay #GrowthAndIndependence #RealEstateLife #UPTime #TravelSeason #EnjoyTheHoliday

Young buck this morning!

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